A representative agreement, also known as a sales representative agreement or independent sales contractor agreement, is a contract between a company and a sales representative. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the sales representative`s role in promoting and selling the company`s products or services.

The representative agreement typically defines the territory in which the sales representative can operate, the products or services being sold, the commission rate or compensation structure, and the duration of the agreement. It may also include provisions for confidentiality, non-compete clauses, and termination.

In order to protect both the company and the sales representative, it is important to have a well-written representative agreement in place. The agreement should clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations of both parties, as well as any limitations or restrictions on the sales representative`s activities.

One key aspect of the representative agreement is the commission or compensation structure. This should be clearly defined and agreed upon by both parties. The agreement may also include provisions for bonuses or incentives based on performance.

Another important consideration in the representative agreement is the territory in which the sales representative can operate. This should be clearly defined to avoid any confusion or overlap with other sales representatives or distributors.

It is also important to include provisions in the representative agreement for confidentiality and non-compete clauses. These provisions can help protect the company`s intellectual property and prevent the sales representative from working with competitors.

Finally, the representative agreement should include provisions for termination. This can include notice periods, reasons for termination, and any obligations or restrictions that continue after termination.

In summary, a representative agreement is a critical document for any company working with independent sales representatives. By defining the terms and conditions of the representative`s role, as well as the compensation structure, territory, and other key considerations, the agreement can help ensure a smooth and successful working relationship between the company and the sales representative.


Charles J.