Section 38 of the withdrawal agreement pertains to provisions related to the ongoing judicial and administrative proceedings in the UK and the EU. After Brexit, all the cases pending in the EU and UK courts, that were initiated and ongoing before the end of the transition period, will continue to be heard.

This provision is vital for businesses and individuals who have ongoing legal cases in either the EU or the UK. The transitional period was designed to provide a smooth exit for the UK from the EU, and this section of the agreement ensures that legal cases are not disrupted or halted due to the UK`s departure.

The provisions of Section 38 apply to cases that are initiated in the EU or the UK before the end of the transition period and are still ongoing. This means that if you have an ongoing legal case, it will be treated as if the UK was still a member of the EU. Any judgments, orders, or decisions made by EU courts before the end of the transition period will be recognized and enforced in the UK.

The withdrawal agreement ensures that the legal cases initiated during the transition period, which are still ongoing, will continue to be heard in the UK or the EU, as appropriate. This ensures that any legal case initiated in the EU will continue to be heard in the EU, and any legal case initiated in the UK will continue to be heard in the UK.

However, there are some exceptions to this provision. Cases that have exclusively UK elements will no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the EU courts. Similarly, cases that have exclusively EU elements will no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the UK courts.

In conclusion, Section 38 of the withdrawal agreement is crucial for ensuring the continuity of ongoing legal cases initiated before the end of the transition period. This provision ensures that businesses and individuals can continue their legal proceedings without disruption or delay, and that the judgments, orders, or decisions made by the courts before the end of the transition period will be recognized and enforced.


Charles J.