Cooperation Agreement and Competition Law: What You Need to Know

In the world of business, cooperation agreements are an important tool for companies to achieve their goals. These agreements allow businesses to work together towards a common objective, such as developing a new product or improving operational efficiencies. However, in the context of competition law, cooperation agreements can raise concerns about potential violations of antitrust laws.

What is a Cooperation Agreement?

A cooperation agreement is a contract between two or more parties that sets out the terms of their collaboration. These agreements can take many forms, such as joint ventures, research and development partnerships, or supply agreements. The purpose of a cooperation agreement is to enable the parties to pool their resources, knowledge, and expertise to achieve a common goal.

Competition Law and Cooperation Agreements

Competition law is designed to promote fair and open competition in the marketplace. Antitrust laws, which are a type of competition law, aim to prevent companies from engaging in anti-competitive behavior that could harm consumers or other businesses. Cooperation agreements can raise concerns under antitrust laws if they have the potential to reduce competition or harm consumers.

There are several types of cooperation agreements that may raise concerns under competition law. These include agreements that:

– Limit competition by reducing output or limiting supply

– Allocate markets or customers, such as by agreeing not to compete in certain areas

– Fix prices or other trading conditions

– Exchange sensitive information that could be used to coordinate behavior

If a cooperation agreement raises concerns under competition law, it may be subject to review by regulatory authorities, such as the European Commission or the U.S. Department of Justice. These authorities may require the parties to modify or terminate their agreement to address antitrust concerns.

How to Ensure Compliance with Antitrust Laws

To ensure compliance with antitrust laws, companies should take several steps when entering into cooperation agreements. These include:

– Conducting a careful analysis of the agreement to identify any potential antitrust concerns

– Avoiding agreements that could lead to a reduction in competition or harm consumers

– Ensuring that any exchange of sensitive information is strictly necessary for the purposes of the agreement and is conducted in a manner that does not facilitate anti-competitive behavior

– Keeping accurate records of all agreements and communications related to the cooperation agreement


Cooperation agreements are an important tool for companies to achieve their goals, but it is important to ensure that they comply with antitrust laws. By taking the necessary steps to identify and address potential antitrust concerns, companies can avoid penalties and maintain their reputation as responsible members of the business community.


Charles J.