Difference between Valid and Enforceable Contract

Difference between Valid and Enforceable Contract

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As the world becomes more complex, contracts have increasingly become a crucial component of our daily lives. Contracts are a set of legally binding rules between two parties that describe how they will conduct business. While valid and enforceable contracts sound like they have a similar meaning, there is a significant difference between the two.

A “valid” contract is an agreement that is recognized under the law as legally binding. This means that both parties have fully consented to the terms, and the contract was formed in compliance with legal requirements such as capacity, consideration, offer, and acceptance. In short, a valid contract is one that satisfies all the essential elements of a contract and is therefore recognized as a binding agreement.

On the other hand, an “enforceable” contract is one that can be enforced or upheld in a court of law. This means that the parties involved in the contract can sue for damages if one of the parties breaches the contract. For a contract to be enforceable, it must meet the legal requirements for a valid contract, and there must be a legal remedy available if one of the parties fails to fulfill their obligations.

A contract can be valid but not enforceable if the terms are not legally binding. An example of this is a contract that involves illegal activities or is a contract of adhesion, in which one party has a disproportionate amount of bargaining power. Even though the contract is valid, it is not enforceable under the law.

Similarly, a contract can be enforceable but not valid if it does not meet the necessary legal requirements. An example of this is a contract that is signed under duress, where one of the parties is forced to sign it. In this case, the contract may be enforceable, but it is not valid because the agreement was not entered into with the free will of both parties.

In conclusion, while both valid and enforceable contracts are essential in the business world, they have significant differences. A valid contract is one that complies with all the necessary legal elements and is recognized as a binding agreement. An enforceable contract is one that can be upheld or enforced under the law, and there is a legal remedy available if one of the parties breaches the contract. It is important to ensure that contracts you enter into are both valid and enforceable to protect your interests.


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