Peel Etfo Collective Agreement

Peel Etfo Collective Agreement

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The Peel District School Board (PDSB) and the Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario (ETFO) recently reached a tentative collective agreement after several months of negotiations. The agreement is significant as it affects more than 1,200 elementary teachers and occasional teachers working in the region.

One of the key provisions of the agreement is an increase in compensation for teachers. According to the terms of the agreement, teachers will receive a 2 percent salary increase for each year of the three-year agreement, in addition to a one-time signing bonus of $1,500.

The agreement also includes significant changes to the working conditions of teachers. For instance, teachers will receive an additional professional activity day, bringing the total number of such days to seven. Moreover, the agreement allows for teachers to take a leave of absence to focus on professional development.

Another notable provision in the agreement is the introduction of a new joint committee that will address issues of mental health and wellness for teachers and students alike. The committee is a clear indication of the importance that the PDSB and the ETFO place on the well-being of those working in and attending schools in the region.

The tentative agreement has been welcomed by both the PDSB and the ETFO. The former`s Director of Education, Peter Joshua, stated that the agreement “reflects our shared commitment to supporting our students and our staff.” Meanwhile, ETFO President Sam Hammond noted that the agreement “addresses key concerns of our members.”

The agreement must still be ratified by the ETFO and the PDSB before it becomes official. However, the tentative agreement is a significant step forward in improving the working conditions and compensation for teachers in the Peel region.

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