Opseu Collective Agreement Article 16

Opseu Collective Agreement Article 16

Categories : Uncategorized

As an experienced copy editor, I understand the importance of SEO in creating valuable and informative content. Today, I will be discussing the OPSEU collective agreement article 16.

The OPSEU collective agreement is an agreement reached between the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) and the employer, which typically covers matters such as wages, benefits, and working conditions. Article 16 deals with the topic of leaves of absence.

Under article 16, members of the OPSEU union may be entitled to leaves of absence for various reasons. Some of the most commonly used leaves of absence include:

1. Personal leave: This type of leave is usually granted for a personal emergency or a personal matter that requires the employee`s attention. This leave can be granted for up to five days in a calendar year.

2. Family medical leave: This type of leave is granted to employees who need time off to care for a family member who is seriously ill. The leave can be granted for up to 28 weeks in a 52-week period.

3. Pregnancy and parental leave: This type of leave is granted to employees who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. The leave can be granted for up to 18 months, with the first 12 months being maternity leave and the remaining 6 months being parental leave.

4. Bereavement leave: This type of leave is granted to employees who need time off to grieve the loss of a family member or loved one. The leave can be granted for up to 10 days in a calendar year.

It is important to note that these leaves of absence are usually unpaid, but the employee`s job is protected during their absence. This means that when the employee returns to work, they are entitled to the same job they had before their leave of absence.

In conclusion, the OPSEU collective agreement article 16 is an essential part of the agreement, as it outlines the various leaves of absence that employees are entitled to. As a professional, I hope that this article has provided valuable information to those who may need to reference this article in the future.

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